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发布时间: 2018/6/20 0:00:00 1218次浏览 作者: jwc

2018517日,万晓华老师在组内执教Unit6 What time is it? story板块,组内老师均到场听课,并在课后给予了有效评价。

本节课以Liu Tao忙碌的一天为主线,万老师设计了多种教学任务,并联系日常生活让学生用所学谈论自己的一天。虽然课文较简单,但学生在老师的指导下能很好的发挥自主性,创编课文内容,有效拓展。以下是本节课的教案:

(一)Warming up

1. Greetings

2. Free talk

Hi, how old are you? Are you ten?

Would you like a sweet? What about a pie?

3. Review the numbers from 1 to 10

(二)Story time

1. Watch the cartoon, answer the question

Q: Whose schedule is it?

A: Liu Tao’s schedule.

2. Read the dialogue silently, and underline Liu Tao’s schedule: the time and what he does at that time

Sentence 1: It’s seven o’clock. It’s time for breakfast.

Sentence 2: It’s six o’clock. It’s time for dinner.

Sentence 3: It’s nine o’clock. It’s time for bed.

Present and note the words and sentences

3. What can you ask if you want to know the time?

Present and learn the sentence: What time is it?

4. Let’s listen to Miss Li

" Good morning, Liu Tao. Hurry up! It’s time for class."

Guess, what time is it now?

Present and learn the new words and sentences

5. Happy reading

Follow to read

"Wake up, Taotao."

Guess the Chinese meaning A. 醒醒 B. 赶快

Read together

Read in roles

Read in teams

6. Happy acting

7. Say something about your schedule

First demonstration, then say it in teams, next some say it about themselves


1. Read and act the story

2. Copy the story


Unit 6 What time is it

seven o’clock 7:00 breakfast Wake up!

It’s six o’clock. 6:00 It’s time for dinner.

nine o’clock 9:00 bed

? class Hurry up!