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发布时间: 2020/2/3 13:31:01 6023次浏览 作者: 教学中心







1. walk             2. wake              3. want              4. say           

5. laugh            6. let                7. catch              8. bite           

9. see                10. make           11. get              12. become        


1. Long long ago, there         ( is / was) a lion in the forest.

2. One day, a mouse         ( wake / woke ) a lion up and the lion wanted to       

(eat / ate) him.

3. Did Anna         (fly / flew) the kite last Saturday?   Yes, she did.

4. The girls         (made / will make) some cards for their teachers yesterday


5. Jerry         (doesn’t / didn’t ) finish his homework because he was ill.

6. It is going to be New Year’s Day             ( next week / last week). We’re

very happy.

7. Where         (do / did) you go last weekend?

I         (go / went) to Shanghai and saw many interesting things there.

8. Yang Ling often         (watches / watched) TV on Sundays. She likes cartoons.

9. There         (was / were) a lot of rain last night. We were all wet.

10. Jim, the little boy         (ate / eat) a big cake and drank a lot of orange juice at

the party.


1. The lion and the mouse became good friends. (改为一般疑问句)

          the lion and the mouse         good friends?

2. Linda and I brought some fruit to the park last week. (对划线部分提问)

            brought some fruit to the park last week?

3. She wanted to be a teacher ten years ago.(改为否定句)

  She                  to be a teacher ten years ago.

4. The children sing and dance happily at Christmas. (last Christmas 改写)

   The children                                     .


1. The old woman w        by the garden and she saw many beautiful flowers.

2. We shouldn’t t          rubbish everywhere. Keep the air clean is our duty.

3. His grandpa likes reading and he r____________ newspapers for news every day 

when he was twenty.

4. The old man c       a fish in the lake. Then he let it go because it was too small.

5. I like c           some plastic bottles and reuse them to make toys for my little


6. I usually write emails to my e-friend on the Internet. I g        a new email from

her last night.